New Mexico Part Three: Santa Fe Architecture

My final destination of my US trip was Santa Fe. I'd heard so many good things about it over the years and given it was just over an hour away from ABQ I couldn't not go. The contrast between Santa Fe with ABQ and Chicago was huge. And the size of the buildings went from skyscrapers in Chicago to a city where no building was higher than three storeys high. Santa Fe also has strict building regulations so the majority of buildings were in the incredible Adobe style. Here are my favourites from across the city.
This was the local car park. There was also a small multistory car park in Adobe style!
This was one of the museums in the Plaza. 
And this was the courtyard inside the museum. 
Not everything was in the Adobe style but was certainly historic. 

The highest buildings that I could see were two large hotels (one above) but just look how beautiful it is! 
This pop of colour was outside another museum near the plaza. 
There were quite a few buildings in what I would call 'Frontier style' though I'm sure that's not a technical term!
The most modern buildings I saw were around the rail yard but their height was still pretty small. 
So there we have it. I'm not sure if I've done Santa Fe justice as there were so many amazing buildings but you get the idea! 


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