Knights, Falcons, Presidents and Queens
I don't normally celebrate St George's Day. Unlike St Patrick's Day it usually goes under the radar and there seems to be minimal fuss. This year it fell on the weekend, and also the same day as the Bard's death day (that's Shakespeare to you and me) so I thought there might be a few photo opportunities. I dragged OH to the Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens to see the Vauxhall St George's Festival where knights would be fighting and there would be falconry on display.
So first up the falconry display.
Possibly the easiest bird photography as they are tethered but still gorgeous birds
Even when having a bath
OH and I headed up a small hill for a better vantage point
But it wasn't long until I was getting in for a closer view
The fighting was pretty full on
It's always fun watching a knight get dressed
The other attraction was this wood carver. But that was about it. Sadly OH was bored and whilst he tolerated my snapping for a bit we soon had to head off.
Now I needed to go to John Lewis to pick up some wool (yes making yet another baby blanket) so I suggested to OH that we walk up to Oxford Circus rather than take the tube. OH took me on the route he uses to cycle to work and we stumbled across a president. Yes this may just look like a picture of a car but in one of these beasts is Barack Obama who we had just missed getting into his car further up the street. It was quite impressive with a cavalcade of at least 8 vehicles including two vans of swat policemen who looked very scary! Still it's the closest I'm ever going to get to a president and a few of my American friends have said I've got closer than they have.
Next up is walking past Buckingham Palace. Usually known as tourist hell if you are trying to get from A to B but made even more chaotic as they were setting up for the London Marathon the following day hence the broadcasting vans at the back of the shot of the jaw droppingly beautiful tulips.
Here they are in all their beauty in front of Buckingham Palace with a rather menacing sky.
So wool purchased we jumped on the bus home. I've a new camera which I was playing with on the bus trip so here are crowds on Regents Street.
Piccadilly Circus
Lambeth Bridge with the London Eye
And finally the back of Waterloo. So there we have it quite an eclectic day full of surprises!
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