Sunny Sussex adventure part 2

Now as the  title may suggest this post is in two parts so if you've landed here read part one for a bit more context. Now I went to Great Dixter in June 2010 as part of my mother's 70th birthday garden tour (we had also been to Giveny, Monet's garden in France) but this was pre blog and also I think my photography has developed significantly since. Great Dixter was a medieval house which was bought by the Lloyd family and restored by Edwin Lutyens I think in the early 1900. Christopher Lloyd was a gardener and writer who used blocks of colour to create amazing borders. The website says he was a ' charismatic and sometimes controversial gardener, capable of inspiring a popular audience through both the written and the spoken word, and with a wonderfully atmospheric and picturesque garden at the heart of it all, Lloyd put Great Dixter on the international map' .
And wow, second time round Great Dixter was even more lovely than the first time round. Rather than me witter on throughout I think I'll just post some of the photos I took (see Flickr for more). I'll start with views of the garden, house and wild flower meadow. I'll then work through the colours of the rainbow (well as many as I can) to give you an idea of  the colour of Dixter.
Phew, what a lot of photos but I hope you enjoyed them. Great Dixter is one of my favourite places and I can highly recommend visiting!


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